Using the Monty Probe in a compost bin.

7 Ways to Use Compost Technology to Speed Up Your Compost

When we first interviewed Ashley from Monty Compost a couple of years ago, the compost tech company was just getting started. Now they’re established, we asked Kristina Cao from Monty Compost to share how their technology could be used to speed up the composting process.

Composting is an efficient and cost-effective way to create a natural fertiliser and nutrient-rich soil for your garden. However, composters just like you are facing a variety of challenges when trying to speed up the process. 

There are many reasons why composting may not be successful, such as the pile being too cold or hot, too wet or dry, lacking oxygen or carbon/nitrogen, or being overfilled

To create effective solutions for high-quality compost, you typically have to devote enough time to properly manage it and learn numerous new concepts and methods. 

Not everyone can afford this time – but thankfully technology has evolved to make compost management easier for struggling composters.

By using compost technology, you can eliminate the guesswork involved in achieving the ideal balance for your compost. It also enables you to compost more efficiently to achieve a nutrient-rich end product. 

There’s technology available to suit each individual – including probes, thermometers, apps, websites, devices and machines. 

A recent innovation in compost technology is Monty Monitor, a compost monitoring device that combines various features to help overcome common composting challenges.

So how can you get started on your connected composting journey?

Here are seven ways to utilize compost technology to speed up your composting process.

1. Monitor temperature

Monitoring the temperature is crucial for composting as it helps ensure the microbial activity necessary for breaking down organic matter and preventing pathogens, without exceeding the optimal temperature range. 

Standard compost thermometers can help you find the temperature of your pile when you go out to check it. Or you can use a Monty Monitor to see 24/7 data from your mobile. 

2. Monitor moisture

Monitoring moisture levels is crucial for composting, as excessive or insufficient moisture can negatively impact microbial activity and slow down the composting process. 

While moisture meters can provide surface-level readings, using multiple probes in your compost can lead to overcrowding. An all-in-one device like Monty Monitor can help avoid this issue.

3. Monitor oxygen and gases

Monty Compost Monitor on wood chippings.

Monitoring oxygen levels and gases such as carbon dioxide is important for composting, as proper aeration is essential for microbial activity and preventing the accumulation of harmful gases. 

While oxygen and gas monitors can be purchased for composting, they can be quite expensive, costing thousands of dollars. If you’re looking for a lower-cost gas sensor, Monty Monitor has made these observations accessible to the everyday, at-home composter.

4. Log your feedstock

Logging feedstock is important for composting to ensure the proper ratio of carbon to nitrogen, as well as to identify any potential contaminants or sources of imbalance. 

There are a couple of compost logging apps available to download, while a basic Excel doc works in a pinch.

A nifty perk of Monty Monitor is its component app, Monty Mobile, which allows you to log your feedstock and match that information with the data collected in your pile.

5. Set up phone alerts

Setting up phone alerts can help ensure that any temperature, moisture or oxygen issues are addressed promptly and remind you to keep an eye on the compost heap or bin. 

You can set up calendar or alarm reminders to check on your compost or download Monty Mobile for personalised compost reminders based on the status of your compost.

6. Take progress photos 

Taking pictures of your compost as it progresses can be helpful in tracking the composting process and identifying any changes or issues. 

You can create a specific album for photos of your compost but people may think that’s strange if they see pictures of dirt and food waste on your phone! 

Through Monty Mobile, you can upload pictures of your compost to the gallery and write any notes worth remembering.

7. Get a Monty Monitor

Monty Compost Monitor on a wood stump.

Using multiple technologies can be both overwhelming and expensive. Monty Monitor offers an all-in-one affordable solution.

A Monty Monitor can be used to track the temperature, moisture and other environmental factors in a compost pile or bin, making it easier to manage the composting process, this data is conveniently sent to your phone. 

With the right technology, composting can be an efficient and rewarding way to produce nutrient-rich soil for your garden or landscaping.

Monty Monitor is a world-first compost monitoring device that can help you speed up the composting process. By monitoring the temperature, moisture, and oxygen levels of your compost pile with Monty Monitor and Monty Mobile, you can create the perfect environment for composting.

Visit Monty Compost to learn more!