Composting tips, advice and science.

Whether you want to learn more about the science and benefits of making compost or are itching to start turning your organic waste into ‘black gold’ for your garden, our introduction to composting is a great place to get started!

You’ll find a comprehensive overview with plenty of links to in-depth articles and user-friendly how-to guides.

Looking for the best tools and bins to buy?

Our in-house team does thorough research and put bins and tools through extensive testing – so you don’t have to!

About Compost Magazine

Welcome to Compost Magazine, where we are passionate about sharing the fun and benefits of composting with you. Our team of compost and gardening enthusiasts has come together to create a hub of resources that will help you on your journey toward sustainable living.

With easy-to-follow guides for composters, product reviews and comparisons, engaging experiments, and fascinating reports on composting studies, you’ll find everything you need to know about composting.

Our writers translate complex compost science into easy-to-understand language and infographics. We are skeptical of composting products and practices that are not backed by science and provide information on the fascinating history and culture of compost.

You can expect to find the latest compost news, from human composting to the latest studies. 

Learn more about our team and our journey on our About Page.

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Compost Magazine may link to some products with an affiliate link. If you choose to buy through them, we get a small commission at no cost to you. That helps us keep this website free, create more content and buy more products to review. Thank you for your support!