Composting tips, advice and science.

Cookie Policy

When you use our website, we may store some information on your computer in the form of a helpful file known as a “cookie”.

Cookies are used by almost every website, and our website may not function properly without the use of cookies. To find out more about cookies in general, please visit

Don’t worry, cookies are not viruses and will not harm your computer, and we do not use them to store important information like credit card statements.

Ways we use cookies include but are not limited to:

  • improve your website experience
  • to track numbers of visitors to our website
  • to find out where visitors came from e.g. from search engines or social media

Some cookies are not controlled by us directly.

Examples include Google Analytics cookies, which enable us to analyse how many people come to our website, where those people come from and to test improvements to our website.

If you are worried about storing cookies, you can set your browser to clear cookies after every session.

Using our website with cookies enabled implies acceptance of our use of cookies.