Composting tips, advice and science.

Bread Composting Made Easy: Tips for Perfect Results

If you’ve read a few of our articles (covering everything from composting fish to dead chickens), you won’t be surprised to learn that bread can also be composted. In fact, bread is easier to compost than many other materials we’ve covered. However, like all food scraps, it does come with some unique challenges.

Why Compost Bread?

Bread is rich in nutrients and a valuable addition to your compost pile when combined with the right materials. Research has shown that bakery waste, including bread, contributes both carbon and nitrogen to the composting process, making it an excellent feedstock for producing high-quality compost. 

For instance, bakery waste compost has achieved a carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratio of 12–15, ideal for mature compost.

While the average household isn’t likely to have enough leftover bread to significantly bulk up a compost pile, the real benefit lies in reducing food waste. Bread is one of the most wasted foods globally—900,000 tonnes are discarded annually in the UK, and 240 million slices are thrown away annually in the USA.

Of course, composting isn’t always the first solution. In our house, we freeze leftover bread for later use as toast, and any leftovers go to the chickens. But if you don’t have chickens and find yourself with stale bread, composting is an excellent alternative – provided it’s done correctly.

Why Bread is Easy to Compost

Some organic materials, like leaves and branches, are difficult to compost because they’re high in lignin, a tough compound that slows decomposition. Bread, on the other hand, is soft and porous, allowing compost microorganisms to break it down quickly.

In studies on bakery waste, researchers noted that bread decomposes easily when mixed with bulking agents such as dry leaves, sawdust, or cow manure. These materials help balance the moisture and nutrient content of the compost, ensuring optimal microbial activity.

Challenges of Composting Bread

Bread’s softness and high nutrient content comes with a downside: it can attract rodents and pests if not managed properly. Additionally, bread decomposes rapidly, which can lead to unpleasant odors if your compost pile isn’t aerated or balanced with carbon-rich materials.

How to Compost Bread Successfully

Here are some practical tips to compost bread effectively while minimizing challenges:

  1. Bury Bread in Your Compost Heap: Bread should be buried deep within the compost pile to deter pests and reduce exposure to air, which can cause odors.
  2. Balance Moisture and Carbon: Bread is relatively moist and nitrogen-rich, so it’s best paired with dry, carbon-heavy materials like sawdust, shredded paper, or dry leaves. An additional layer on top can act as a biofilter to trap odors. 
  3. Maintain Aeration: Turn your compost pile regularly to ensure proper oxygen flow, which speeds up decomposition and prevents anaerobic conditions that can cause smells.
  4. Prevent Rodents: Use a rodent-proof compost bin or follow our guide to preventing and dealing with rats to keep your compost safe from pests.
  5. Monitor Your Compost: Ensure your compost does not get too dry or wet, as this can prevent effective composting.


Cacace, C., Rizzello, C. G., Brunetti, G., Verni, M., & Cocozza, C. (2022). Reuse of wasted bread as soil amendment: Bioprocessing, effects on alkaline soil and escarole (Cichorium endivia) production. Foods, 11(2), 189.