Composting tips, advice and science.

How to Make Compost

Ready to get the most out of your garden and turn waste into black gold? It’s time to learn about composting! Here you’ll find clear, step-by-step instructions, informative articles and pro tips on the composting process that will help you become a master composter in no time.

If you’re totally new to composting, start off with our home composting guide, while experienced composters might want to find out our 17 tips for speeding compost up!

Horse manure compost held cupped in hands.

What Is Compost?

So you want to know more about compost?  You’ve come to the right place! In this guide, you’ll find a brief overview of what compost is, along with lots of links to more in-depth guides to explore at your leisure. (If you’d prefer to learn more about how compost is made, see our companion guide:

What Is Compost? Read More »

Compost heap covered in snow

Don’t Let Winter Stop Your Composting: 12 Things You Can Compost In Cold Weather

Composting in the winter may seem like a challenge, especially when compared to the abundance of green waste in the summer.  However, while the garden may appear barren, with a little creativity, there are still plenty of materials that can be composted.  Unlike the warm months, winter composting requires a different approach, a bit of

Don’t Let Winter Stop Your Composting: 12 Things You Can Compost In Cold Weather Read More »